Best Intl. short Film Blue Moon
Best first time short filmmaker The cheerful critique
Best studet short She said No
Best documentary short Finding Abraham
Best animation short Friendship
Best experimental short Nameless Mist
Best horror short Whispers
Best comedy short Gap
Best sci-fi short Rewind
Best micro short The Adventures of Vomit Cat and Cat Vomit
Best erotic short Sos Extase
Best thriller short Bugaloo
Best music video My Awe Sustains
Best web series 13th Stepping
Best dance music Hashtag Queens
Best women empowerment short The Winter Fern
Best black lives matter short Compassionate Release
Best covid film Metamorphosis
Best human right’s film Face to Face
Best female director Blue Moon
Best male director Dill Pickle
Best producer Freefall
Best original script Mister Opportunity
Best unproduced script Mister Opportunity
Best cinematography IO
Best editing The Fork in the Road
Best music score I Saw Myself Dead
Best sound design The Fork in the Road
Best original score I Saw Myself Dead
Best make up The Pamphlet
Best costume design The Pamphlet
Best production design The Pamphlet
Best actor Italo Spotorno (Freefall)
Best actress Emily Ruhl (13th Stepping)
Best ensemble acting Compassionate Release
Best Trailer The Rose Wagon
Best Music Video Direction Denise